01 March 2014

Battling the Best Man by Elley Arden - Blog Tour, Book Review, Giveaway

Title: Battling the Best Man (Harmony Falls #2)
Author: Elley Arden
Published: Jan. 17, 2014
Published by: 
Crimson Romance
Contemporary Romance
On the cusp of a brilliant Chicago medical career, Dr. Kory Flemming rarely gets a vacation from her demanding brain injury fellowship, but she can’t say no to maid of honor duties in her best friend’s wedding. Hometown or not, being in Harmony Falls, Pennsylvania, isn’t easy, especially when the only man smart enough to trump Kory’s high school academic achievements turns out to be a sexy, accomplished adult up to his old, flirtatious tricks.

Will Mitchell has been destined for success since the day he was born. After spending his formative years racking up academic honors, it was only natural for him to be named the chief operating officer of his family’s thriving company. He has it all—more or less—so when the target of his high school infatuation turns up hot and haughty at his brother’s wedding, Will decides he wants her, too.

An innocent dance at the wedding reception leads Kory and Will to an illicit tryst in the coat checkroom, and the game they’ve been playing since high school changes into something more serious. The new attraction takes Will and Kory by surprise, until a failed merger and family tragedy threaten both their professional goals.

Now, Will’s struggling to preserve his reputation as “the successful one” and Kory’s stuck in Harmony Falls watching her illustrious medical career slip away. Worse yet, maybe the only way to get things back on track is to work together. Can they put aside their rocky past and ignore their titillating present in order to secure the future for the people they adore?
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Buy the Book: Amazon |  B&N

my review -

They were childhood nemesis – competing for everything during their younger days. Will Mitchell may have been the valedictorian, but Kory was considered to be the most awarded girl in the history of their school. Now, she was a brilliant doctor finishing her fellowship in Chicago, and Will was still in their town, CEO of their company.

They were bound to meet again her best friend and his brother’s wedding. It all started with an innocent dance, a little make-out session in the coatroom and suddenly – their old school games slash competition have upped. Fireworks were shooting across the room, as their attraction flares. But everything changed, when a merger failed and a family tragedy happened which threatened both their professional careers.

I want him to be my booty call too!

He can’t believe that he was going to be someone else’s booty call – most especially Kory’s. I adore watching him questioning his attractiveness and his ego. I can’t believe that he allowed himself to be Kory’s booty call. Better that than nothing, eh? He works hard on everything, why not this girl? Will is an amazing guy, patient, understanding, and a hard worker. He was charming, sexy and irresistible – so for Kory to resist this man for a couple of years, I think was an effort on her part.

Brain injury fellowship – WOW. This girl must really be THAT intelligent to be able to get into this type of fellowship. Two words to describe Kory – DRIVEN & AMBITIOUS.

She was married to ambition, and she liked it that way.

But was she happy? Was it really what her life is all about? Granting that only a few could get to the place where she is right now – but is it worth it? She had lived her life in a fast-paced way, she lost track of time, and her surroundings. So coming back into her small town, experiencing a near-tragic event with her family had put everything on hold for her. Her career was on pause, she made a deal with Will which put her career on a different path. This time, instead of dealing with surgeons, with patients in less than a second – she deals with life, and death. Not just with strangers, but with people whom know by heart. Day by day, I see change in her. She was learning things that weren’t found in expensive medical textbooks and weren’t taught in medical school. It was a little tougher than what she originally thought – but one thing is for certain, you can feel the contentment. She was finally making a difference in the life of other people.

As a healthcare worker myself, earning money doesn’t really equate to the feeling that patient gives you when they say how grateful and thankful they are for taking good care of them. You get that feeling of adrenaline rush when you save a life, when the family can finally take that one long breathe after holding on for so long after giving them the good news, or even that feeling when you offer them comfort when they’re mourning.

They were good for each other.

I love watching how these two great people came about. He wasn’t pushy, and all she wanted to do was to get away. He never really demanded she would stay, but he did everything to woo her. As nemesis, the tension was already present, and both of them can achieve great things, but working together just proved that everything they work for could never be much better.

What I love most
Not just those HOT steamy scenes that makes me want Will for my own, but it’s family stuffs that made me cry. Arghh. Will is a great son who tries everyday to please his mother, even though her mother wasn’t generally a happy person. And for Kory to allow her career to be put on hold for her family. There was no second guessing about it, her family needed her, and even though her mother would constantly push her back to Chicago, she still stayed and watch everything fall back into their normal places. The scene with her dad – it had caused me to shed some tears. It was a simply constructed scene but filled with emotions that had rocked me to the core.

Good things come when you least expect it – at least I did with this book. I didn’t expect to laugh, cry and fall in love. But Elley Arden did those things to me, and after that short read, I think I’m coming back for more from this author.

the author -
Elley Arden is a born and bred Pennsylvanian who has lived as far west as Utah and as far north as Wisconsin. She drinks wine like it’s water (a slight exaggeration), prefers a night at the ballpark to a night on the town, and believes almond English toffee is the key to happiness.

Elley has been reading romance novels since she was a sixteen-year-old babysitter, sneaking Judith McNaught and Danielle Steele novels off the bookshelves of the women who employed her. She started her first manuscript when she was twenty-five, writing during babies’ naps. A total of three children and ten years later, the manuscript was complete. Little did she know, her journey to publication was only beginning..

Elley writes provocative contemporary romances for Crimson Romance.

Connect with Elley: Goodreads  |  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter


giveaway -
2 eCopies of Battling the Best Man

1 $10 Amazon or B&N GC

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