09 March 2015

Book Tour, Book Review, Giveaway | Rule Breaker by Harper Kincaid

Rule Breaker
Break on Through #1
By: Harper Kincaid
Releasing March 3rd, 2015

Just one more can’t hurt…right?

Re-belle-ious, free-spirited Lauren Renwick has decided it’s time to trade her wings for roots. That means no more bad boys, no more foolish choices. Yet when she’s stood up on New Year’s Eve, her resolution to stick to her Mama’s Rules for Dating weakens. Especially when she spots sex-in-leather-and-tattoos, Jackson Sullivan.

One look at Lauren, and Jackson is hell-bent on getting her on the back of his Harley and riding straight for his bed. Their night together is an erotic rush that has a new word popping up on his horizon—forever.

Lauren tries to convince herself he’s just one last fling to get bad boys out of her system, yet she finds herself falling hard and fast for a man with a stalker ex and a meddling Irish family. Plus, he has zero chance of passing her uptight parents’ inspection.

Jackson has Lauren’s back, but if she wants all of his heart, she’ll have to meet him halfway—by ditching rules that hold her prisoner, and learning to stand up for what she really wants.

Warning: Contains several highly practical rules for dating—all of which will be broken in the most wicked ways possible, thanks to a domineering alpha male who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it...rules be damned.

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Purchase Links:
❈ Amazon Kindle ➙ http://amzn.to/1FBLcue
❈ B&N ➙ http://bit.ly/1847Jos
❈ Publisher ➙ http://bit.ly/1847QQP
❈ Kobo ➙ http://bit.ly/1C2w3o4

Lauren’s mother had set the rules – but one look, one touch and one taste – all the rules had been broken and readers are in for one-hot-ride of their life.

 Or so she has been told. But on New Year’s Eve, when she has been stood up, Jackson had literally swept her off her feet. He was everything her mother didn’t want. He was temptation personified. He was a total alpha, but has his sweet moments. You can’t help but like him. He is determined and very persuasive – how can you ever say no?

It was supposed to be her last fling, a one-last hurrah before she finally succumbs to the rule. Yet, she finds herself falling more and more for this sexy alpha. He was more than what meets the eye. He knows how to push her buttons in and out of bed. Not only that, she also fell in love with his meddling families. Now, if he can only pass through her parent’s inspection.

She was all he ever wanted. He will support her with whatever she wants – but she needs to meet him half way. He wants her, but she needed to fight for him or for anything that she really wants with her life.

Will breaking the rules be enough? Will she be able to get out of her mother’s-slash-father’s clutches?

This was one fun, sizzling hot read. If you have some space in your hearts for rule-breakers and sexy alpha’s with meddling parents and sisters well – this one is for you. 

Born in California and raised in South Florida, I've moved around like a gypsy with a bounty on my head ever since. Along the way, I worked as a community organizer, a professional matchmaker, a popular blogger, and a crisis counselor (to name a few). All the while, longing to have the guts to do what I really wanted: to write and become a published author. That wish has finally come true and I feel like a karmic cloud has been lifted off my head. Those of you who have also taken a circuitous route in trying to find their path get me - I can tell.

What else? Hmm... I love indie, lo-fi, complaint rock played on vinyl, wearing black because it's slimming, the theater, well-informed optimism, happy endings (both kinds), and making those close to me laugh 'til they snort. I'm a self-admitted change junkie, loving new experiences and places, but have now happily settled in the cutest lil' town, Vienna, Virginia, with my awesome and patient husband and two kick-ass girls. 

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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  1. Thanks for hosting me and my debut on your totally awesome blog!

    Harper Kincaid

  2. Thanks for hosting me and my debut on your totally awesome blog!

    Harper Kincaid
