Jake and Haven have finally found a way to be together. Haven realized that she is ready to trust Jake and wants to open up to him. For Jake, Haven isn’t an option, she’s not just another girl, she’s his future. He’s certain of that, or he was.
Jake has been delivered life-changing news that he is yet to share with Haven. Will he confide in Haven and if he does, is their bond strong enough to withstand the bombshell?
What the Lightning Sees Part Three is the final part in the series.
Coming next: Ashleigh Franklin's story.
Jake has been delivered life-changing news that he is yet to share with Haven. Will he confide in Haven and if he does, is their bond strong enough to withstand the bombshell?
What the Lightning Sees Part Three is the final part in the series.
Coming next: Ashleigh Franklin's story.
Purchase Link:
What the Lightning Sees Part 1
❉Purchase Link ➙ http://amzn.to/1DlpcGb
❉Review Link ➙ http://bit.ly/1IMI3Ko
What the Lightning Sees Part 2
❉Purchase Link ➙ http://amzn.to/1DBzluK
❉Review Link ➙ http://bit.ly/1JwpVYi

was sure of Haven. She was IT for him. Haven was sure of Jake. She was willing
to do anything for him, including accepting every single truth coming from him
even if it kills her. Honesty is important in every relationship, being open to
each other is vital. But what if the truth is as sharp as sword that will
ultimately slice your heart into pieces?
news was life-changing not just to Jake but to Haven as well. She was a patient
woman, and is willing to endure anything. But until when? When the truth comes
knocking every time? When you are reminded of it every day?
Bay made sure readers would never forget Jake and Haven. Part 3 seemed to be the
part where their relationship was put to the ultimate test, and it will be up
to them on how their love can endure such test.
you love Haven in the first two of the series, you will have the urge to hug
her here. She’s a great, brave girl who is strong enough to fight for her love.
She didn’t leave when things get tough, she stood tall and fought with
everything in her. But a strong girl can only endure much…
stellar ending to the 3-part series that had us experienced a wild
rollercoaster ride of emotions and had us hooked.

Purchase Link:

USA Today Bestselling Author Louise Bay writes sexy, contemporary romance novels – the kind she likes to read. Her books Faithful and Hopeful are stand-alone novels although there are some overlapping characters. Bestselling The Empire State Series of novellas starts with A Week in New York. My next series is What the Lightning Sees.
Ruined by romantic mini-series of the eighties, Louise loves all things romantic. There's not enough of it in real life so she disappears into the fictional worlds in books and films.
Louise loves the rain, the West Wing, London, days when she doesn’t have to wear make-up, being on her own, being with friends, elephants and champagne.
She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!
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