Rachel Mason oozes confidence. She’s outgoing, adventurous and would chop off her right arm before caring what other people think of her or her disability.
Jared Mattheson on the other hand, is more than a little goofy and a whole lot of carefree. He’s happy living the bachelor life on his father’s credit card, takes nothing seriously and wouldn’t know difficulty if it slapped him in the face.
With Emily and Dexter away in the States, Rachel and Jared are left behind to keep each other company. They share the same sense of fun, their personalities bounce off one another perfectly and perhaps inevitably, they become best friends. But what happens when the lines of friendship start to blur? How will they cope when the sides of themselves they’ve kept hidden from the world for so long begin to show?
Their journey together may have started with fun, games and alcohol – but it seems the future has other ideas.
Turns out, even the strongest of people need someone to lean on sometimes.
(Not suitable for under 18’s due to adult language and sexual content)
my review -
– she might be in a wheelchair, but don’t underestimate her because this girl
is as tough as any of those who can stand in their own feet. I love the outlook
of her character, she didn’t let her ‘disability’ hinder her happiness, or any
possibilities that life may offer her (well except for love, Jared had to
worked hard for that one!). She’s independent, and doesn’t really care what
other people thinks of her.
here comes the handsome, happy-go-lucky Jared who was living on his father’s
credit card and really doesn’t take anything seriously. Until he realized that
he actually FELT something for Rachel.
wouldn’t hear any of it, but Jared was relentless in his pursuit, and I was
laughing out loud, thoroughly entertained by his antics on how to make Rachel
say YES to him. He’s naughty and has a lot of ideas – his imagination runs
wildly and yes, Rachel is in for the biggest surprise of her life.
I thought she was the only one who has problems – Jared has been keeping some
secrets too. What started to be fun, exciting and exhilarating love affair
turned a sudden serious turn when the red double-line appears on a kit and
secrets were exposed.
of them are stubborn enough to ask for help, even when it’s clear that they
desperately need some. It’s hard to ask for help, especially when all your life
you have been independent, or you wanted to appear strong to anyone. But
sometimes, even the toughest people needs help, and despite their strength, it
would always be struggle for them to ask.
was enough drama to stir my emotions, some twists that I haven’t seen coming,
and despite all of it I can still say that this one is a feel-good novel. Another
great fact is that this might be a part of a series but can be read as a
stand-alone – HOW GREAT IS THAT?!
there is one word to describe this novel it would be FUN.
laughed out a lot, got so entertained, amazed by this extraordinary couple who
started out as friends and were brave enough to ventured into something more.
people might say they don’t want to risk their friendship to form deeper
relationships that might not work, but after reading this, feeling all the
perks, the ups and downs of having a friend as a lover- then perhaps the risk
is worth taking after all.
★ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.★
“Okay. Goodnight, Dad.” He bent down and kissed the top of my head before patting my shoulder. “That’s a nice guy you’ve got there. I like him.”
“He’s not ‘my guy’.” Ugh, what is it with everyone tonight? “But thanks. He’s a good friend.”
“Not your guy, eh?” Jared ribbed when I entered the living room. He’d overheard. Well wasn’t that just fan-bloody-tastic.
“Your mum never tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” He chose to laugh instead of answer and I chose to glower at him rather than say anything else. Putting my brakes on and dropping my armrest, I gripped the arm of the sofa and heaved myself over it and onto the brown-leather seat. “Gimme some of that,” I said, holding my hand out towards his bottle of lager.
“So did your mum never tell you it’s rude not to say please?” Laughter took over my need to create a comeback until Jared scooted nearer to me… sitting so close our thighs were touching. Suddenly, I could barely breathe, let alone laugh. “You know… I could be your guy,” he whispered just inches away from my face.
Holy fuckballs with giant shiny bells on.
He wasn’t serious.
“You’re not serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He actually sounded genuinely surprised… maybe even offended. But he wasn’t serious. Was he? No… he couldn’t have been being serious. “Maybe I think you’re really fucking hot.” Oh fucking hell, was he… did he… sweet, Jesus, he just kissed my jaw!
“Stop fucking around, Jared,” I said firmly… shrugging away from him. He was pissing around, I knew he was, and that made the fact my heart had started racing so much more difficult to understand.
“I’m not fucking around, Rach. I like you…. A lot.” Okay, I’ve had my fair share of hook-ups and I seriously don’t think a single one has ever muttered those words to me.
“You and me? A one-night stand could ruin us… and you’re too good a friend for that.”
“Who mentioned a one-night stand?”
“You don’t know what you’re saying.” From the outside I know I have this whole I-don’t give-a-shit attitude going on regarding my disability, and for the most part that’s true. But that’s because it only affects me. However, when it comes to someone else wanting to get close… and stay close… that’s a whole new ballgame. Jared sees the fun side of me – the carefree, jokey, no-nonsense persona…
But the truth is, I do care… I do take things seriously and I know how difficult life can be living in a damn chair. People stare… people judge… people fuss…
Sure people want to be my friend… guys even want to hook up for the odd night. But they can go home again. I’ve never even considered the idea of someone being around for the long haul. For fuck’s sake listen to me? Jared said more than one night… that’s hardly a fucking future.
“This is to do with that thing, isn’t it?” he asked, nodding towards my wheelchair by the sofa. “Because you should know… I’ve never really even seen it until tonight. When you got hung up over that bruise on your side… well, that was the first time I’d ever seen you looking… ashamed, I guess. And I’ve got to be honest - I don’t get it.
“You’re just… you. You’re a girl I’ve gotten really close to recently. A girl who shares my twisted sense of humour, likes the same TV shows, shares mutual friends, drinks like a fish, swears as much as I do… and who just happens to be fucking beautiful. You’re sat down? So what?”
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★Take My Hand Series Reading Order and Purchase Links★
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