Eaven Bennett is a college student with a passion for photography. She has high hopes of completing college and starting a new life as she moves away from her hometown with her best friend, Ivy Adams. Her last boyfriend ruined any chance of her trusting ever again.
Talon Walker is the dark and intriguing drummer for the up and coming band ‘Rebel Walking’. A tragedy in his past has left him empty with no desire for a relationship. That is until he meets Eaven.
One minute your heart is filled with love, the next your entire life comes crashing down. Everything can change in a heartbeat. Can Eaven and Talon overcome the obstacles in their way and find love?
Currently on Sale for $.99
I stop in the doorway to her room. I can see her through the bathroom door in nothing but a towel. Is Ivy trying to kill me? A gentleman would turn around and pretend he never saw anything. I never claimed to be gentle. I take a few steps and I can see that she is frantically drying her hair. She keeps flipping it from side to side and over her face. Her hair is gorgeous. I want to run my hands through it soon. I freeze as she turns off the dryer. I figure I should say something before she sees me and has a heart attack.
“Hey! Are you about ready?” I look around her room so that she doesn’t realize I can’t keep my eyes off of her.
“Oh my God! You scared the crap out of me!” She grabs her towel and starts breathing heavy. To my surprise she quickly calms down and starts styling her hair again. “I’m sorry. I should have told you on the phone that I needed a little time to get ready.”
“Don’t worry. I can wait.” I tell her as I sit on the edge of her bed. She doesn’t seem to mind me in here, and I love the view of her focused on herself in the mirror and shaking her little ass in that towel. I watch the bottom edge hoping it will rise up just a little more so I can get a better view.
“Where are we going? I wasn’t sure what to wear.” Eaven interrupts my inappropriate thoughts as I struggle with my sudden lack of motor skills.
“Uh...to the lake. My parents have a boat and I thought we could take it out.”
“I’m glad I asked then, because I was going to wear a sundress.” She says as she is putting on lip gloss. I can’t take my eyes off of her lips. She is rubbing them together. I imagine how her lips will taste. Wait, did she say sundress?
“You can wear the sundress until the sun goes down.”
She looks over at me and smiles. “Ok, I’ll just bring warmer clothes to slip on when the sun sets.” It really doesn’t matter what she wears, I know I will appreciate her. She walks toward me and I imagine her dropping the towel, then shoving me back on the bed to climb over me. Damn, she doesn’t though. She grabs a little dress that was on the bed next to me and begins to rummage through a box on the desk.
I can’t stand it any longer. I walk up behind her and put my arms around her. Her back is against my chest and I lean down to inhale her scent. I whisper in her ear, “God, you smell so damn good.” I hear her breath hitch and she leans back into me.
“I want to rip this towel off of you and lick Every. Single. Inch. Of. You.” I say softly as I lick and kiss the crook of her neck between my words. She wraps her arms up over mine and hugs them to her chest. I feel my self-control slipping even more. I kiss down her shoulder as she stretches her head the opposite way to give me more access. A tiny little moan escapes her lips and I about lose it in my pants like a fifteen year old boy.
The Rebel Walking Series continues with Taron and Ivy's story, Heaven Sent. The explosive chemistry that these two share ignites a relationship of epic proportions.
He has been dubbed 'the panty stealer', but Taron Walker has his eyes set on the beautiful, full of life, Ivy Adams. Ivy doesn't usually put up with the player type, yet there is something about Taron that has her intrigued. Taron must leave to go on tour with Rebel Walking and Ivy will be left to face serious struggles on her own. Will she reach out to Taron for help, or will she push him away? Can these two find happiness in each other's arms, or will they tear each other's world apart?
excerpt -
I look over and see Taron at the band’s reserved table talking to his twin. My eyes shift to his broad shoulders and the dark tight shirt that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I have been in his arms a few times and I know that his chest and stomach are sculpted and just as defined as the shirt makes it appear. He has dark hair, almost black. He wears it messy so that it looks like he just got out of bed. The look really works for him. I know that he does put effort into his hair because I have been stuck waiting on him to get ready.
He jumps up to pester his older brother Holden and I begin to appreciate the view of his ass in those jeans. His jeans hang just right, just the way that I love to see. I have never let him know that I appreciate how he looks. He would never let me live it down if I did.
Eaven leaves me to make her way to Talon and I see Taron begin to search the room. He spots me and starts to look me up and down. His eyes never leave me as he stalks across the room.
“Poison Ivy! It is such a pleasure to see you out for the kill tonight.” He takes his index finger and runs it down my chest and into the valley of my cleavage causing my shirt to lower. He stops just before he exposes me.
“Do you want to lose that finger?” I really want him to continue, but I would never tell him that.
“I would love for you to take my entire finger.” He removes his digit from my chest and I know his meaning behind his reply. He has never been shy about his sexual desire with me.
“In your dreams.” I turn away from him to begin my walk to the table. He stops me after only a few steps. He grabs my hips to hold me against him. I can feel him invading my space again. He is consuming all of my senses. He leans down to whisper in my ear.
“Yea that pretty much sums it up.”
My body heats up as his breath blows past my ear. The sensation sends a shiver through my body and heat straight to my core. He holds me so close that I can feel how much he wants me as it presses into my back side.
“When are you going to quit playing hard to get? You know we will be hot together. You know you want what only I can give you.” He begins to sway back and forth with the music.
I want what he is offering me so much. I want to let go and ride the roller coaster that is Taron. I know there will be ups and downs. I just don’t know if I can hang on until the end and exit the ride safely. I don’t know if he will break my heart.
Usually I don’t let myself get attached to a guy. We have fun and then say our goodbyes. Taron managed to work his way into my life in a way that we are so beyond a simple affair without strings. I just don’t know if he is capable of what I want.
I want him. All of him. To myself. No sharing.
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