23 October 2013

Off Chance by Sawyer Bennett - Book Tour, Book Review, Giveaway

Off Chance
Sawyer Bennett

He is seeking absolution.
Flynn Caldwell has a hero complex and it’s one of the reasons he joined the New York City Fire Department. He has spent his entire professional career trying to atone for that one person he failed to save. Because, if he can do that, then perhaps he can be worthy of love again.

She is seeking escape.
Rowan Page’s life is nothing short of a disaster. Always immersed in trouble, she has only herself to depend on. She’s determined to pull herself out of this mess and make something of her life, despite the hard years she has lived on the streets of New York.

Together, they have the chance to become complete.
Flynn and Rowan’s worlds exist miles apart, but when a chance meeting brings them together, neither of them can deny the instant pull that connects them to each other. What starts as a tiny spark eventually flares into a fire so hot, it refuses to be extinguished.

Both are willing to jump feet first into the flames to see where it takes them, despite the risk of being burned.

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Never ever let go of a person if you don’t want others to pick it up. 

 It’s frustrating, a little emotional, with oozing sexual tension, blasting chemistry and again – frustrating. Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to sneak inside a novel and smack one of the characters personally? Because OFF chance almost made me want to do it. 

 Rowan Page was bound to a bed, naked and was almost eaten by fire when Flynn saved her. At first, I must admit that I liked her. She didn’t have all the luck in the world, but she manages to survive everything that fate throws her way. She wanted, insisted to be independent, she’s practical and has ambition. After the fire managed to destroy everything she had except for her dog, it didn’t put out her fire. She was still fighting, and had not lost hope. But she managed to swallow her pride and accept help – which I think is the bravest and wisest thing she did. Because of all the mishaps that has happened in her life – it was hard for her to trust someone. Flynn, however, offered his help sincerely and asked nothing in return. 

 Flynn – our HOT, and SEXY fireman with a big hero-complex. The death of someone closed to him at a young age made him decide to be a fireman and risk his life to save others – a sort of redemption for himself. He didn’t have the chance to save the person he loved – he would do everything to save those who needed his help. At first, it was all about helping her start again. But as days goes by, they grew closer and closer to each other. Rowan allowed him to break some of her barriers and have him trust. They become friends. 

 Their attraction was palpable, the sexual tension was off the charts – but Rowan valued their friendship more. No matter how bright and colorful the fireworks were when they kissed, she’s not going to risk what they have – the comfort, the camaraderie, the stability and trust for something that is powerful enough to break not only their bond, but their trust as well. Rowan was scared to take the risk, but Flynn wanted more. Will she be able to take it if Flynn decided to date others just like what she wanted??  

 FLYNN was amazing, despite some stupid decisions concerning his hero-complex, he’s another book boyfriend to swoon over. He is not only as hot as those burning flames he extinguishes, but he has a kind heart as well. YES, he loves her, and YES he wants her – but he never forced her, he made her take her time and was willing to wait. But just as when he thought everything was perfect, she got scared again.  (Told you it was frustrating.) His heart may not take another rejection. WOULD SHE RISK WHATEVER THEY HAD JUST BECAUSE SHE’S SCARED? 

I can’t just fall in love and then fall back out. Your heart might be hard, but mine’s not. 
But nevertheless, I had fun reading the book, not only because of Flynn and Rowan, but the rest of the previous characters made an appearance as well. Nix is still a charmer and his interactions with Rowan is pretty much amusing. One wedding proposal had me laughing; it was sweet, surprising and really funny (wondering who proposed to whom???). I had been rooting for Flynn since the first time I have read him in the series, and I want nothing more than his HEA. I was hoping so hard that Rowan would be kind enough to give him that. Their story was a rollercoaster ride with no boring moments, a little maddening at times, but the ending, and all those mind-blowing sexy scenes were worth all the heartaches.

★★★ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.★★★


USA Today Best-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.


(1) $50 Amazon gift card
(5) Swag packs – US only



Reading Order:
Book #1 Off Sides
Book #2 Off Limits
Book #3 Off the Record
Book #4 Off Course - MY REVIEW!
Book #5 Off Chance


Book Tour organized by: 
To see other stops on the tour for reviews, 
guest posts, and excerpts click here

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  1. Thank you for participating in the tour! Your post is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Reading "Off Chance" by Sawyer Bennett was like watching a rescue dog find its forever home—full of heart, tension, and hope. Flynn's hero complex and Rowan's fight for independence create a story as gripping as a dog’s loyalty. Their chemistry is off the charts, making this book a captivating read. Highly recommended!
