26 December 2014

Book Review | Withering Hope by Layla Hagen


Aimee’s wedding is supposed to turn out perfect. Her dress, her fiancé and the location—the idyllic holiday ranch in Brazil—are perfect.

But all Aimee’s plans come crashing down when the private jet that’s taking her from the U.S. to the ranch—where her fiancé awaits her—defects mid-flight and the pilot is forced to perform an emergency landing in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

With no way to reach civilisation, being rescued is Aimee and Tristan’s—the pilot—only hope. A slim one that slowly withers away, desperation taking its place. Because death wanders in the jungle under many forms: starvation, diseases. Beasts.

As Aimee and Tristan fight to find ways to survive, they grow closer. Together they discover that facing old, inner agonies carved by painful pasts takes just as much courage, if not even more, than facing the rainforest.

Despite her devotion to her fiancé, Aimee can’t hide her feelings for Tristan—the man for whom she’s slowly becoming everything. You can hide many things in the rainforest. But not lies. Or love.

Withering Hope is the story of a man who desperately needs forgiveness and the woman who brings him hope. It is a story in which hope births wings and blooms into a love that is as beautiful and intense as it is forbidden.

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12 December 2014

ARC TOUR, Book Review | Autumn in London by Louise Bay

Part 2 of the The Empire State Trilogy
Releasing December 2, 2014

Anna Kirby went to New York to escape heartbreak and have some fun. She wasn't meant to meet someone . . . someone like Ethan. Now, back in London, she's faced with another man to get over.

Ethan Scott broke every one of his rules during his week with Anna and now he can't seem to go back to life before her. A business trip to London gives him the opportunity to change his rules for good. Will he take it?

Autumn in London is the second part of The Empire State Series, a series of three novellas.

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I was looking forward in reading the next one in The Empire State Series. I was craving for it since I finished the first book in the series, and wondering what would happen to Anna Kirby and Ethan Scott. 

Anna was finally back in London after her week in New York. After getting over her ex, here she is again faced with another man to get over with. But Ethan was a hard man to forget. Especially now that he's in London, standing in front of her. Talking about a company merger with her law-firm. It had caught her off-guard! 

As for Ethan Scott, his week with Anna had ruined him for any other women. When he was offered a business trip in London and he saw Anna again, he took the opportunity and set aside every single rule he had on his list. 

The moment they set eyes on each other, none of them can deny the lust that sparks between the two of them. And once again, they gave in to temptation. But this time - it was more than just one week. They have three months, and they were making the most out of it. What they didn't expect was falling in love...

But he has only three months - then what? It's the big elephant at the corner of the room. One that the both of them didn't want to talk about at all. What happens when he goes back to New York and she's left in London?

It's HOTTER, SEXIER and SWEETER. I can't wait for it to get a little kinkier. You will like both characters, and continue to pin on them. I love Ethan's sister. She's funny, and I adore their banters. 

This is why I couldn't wait for the last novella to come out. What happens at the end of the story had me wanting to read it badly. 


I write sexy, romantic, contemporary novels - the kind I like to read!

Ruined by romantic mini-series of the seventies and eighties, I love all things romantic. There's not enough of it in real life so I'll settle for books and films.

I love the rain, the West Wing, London, days when you don't have to wear make-up, being alone, being with friends, elephants and champagne.

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A Week In New York
❈ Purchase Link ➙ http://amzn.to/1t9WnqR
❈ My Review ➙ http://bit.ly/1yt6XN3

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06 December 2014

Book Review | Me Tarzan You Jane by Camelia Miron Skiba

Moving on doesn’t always have to mean goodbye.

Widowed makeup artist Jane Sullivan is more comfortable keeping her husband’s memory alive than dating a pool full of sharks. Ella, her 4 year-old daughter, is her whole world.

When Jane meets Lucas Oliver, famous cover model, it’s hate at first sight. His playboy persona rubs her the wrong way.

Accustomed to every woman fawning over him, Lucas is drawn to the shy, uncompromising single mom and completely melts at the sight of Ella. He is determined to convince Jane that sometimes a second chance can mend a broken heart. —-

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BUY LINK: http://amzn.to/1yz2QxN

05 December 2014

Release Blitz & Giveaway | Need Us by Amanda Heath

Title: Need Us
Series: Make or Break #4
Author: Amanda Heath
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 5, 2014

02 December 2014

Blog Tour, Book Review, Giveaway | Game On by Collette West

Title: Game On
Author: Collette West
Genre: Romance
Publication: October 17th, 2014
Purchase Links:
Amazon  |   B&N  |  iTunes  |  Kobo  |  Smashwords 

Launch Day Blitz, Book Review & Giveaway | Elect by Rachel Van Dyken

Purchase Links:
Amazon  |  B&N  |  IndieBound  |  iBooks

Release Day Launch & Giveaway | Kristen Proby's FOREVER WITH ME

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Release Day Blast | Ready or Not by J.L. Berg

Purchase READY OR NOT:
Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Barnes and Noble (coming soon)

Release Day & Giveaway | The Damned by Jennifer Snyder

By Jennifer Snyder
Mature Young Adult
Released December 2, 2014

Cole Porter knows his home life isn’t ideal, but when a situation arises and he’s forced to pack up and move on, he realizes it’s better to be in a position where you understand the ins and outs rather than to be tossed into the unknown.

Emory Montgomery is as close to perfect as she can possibly be—good grades, beautiful, poised, popular—but having it all isn’t always enough. Perfect has its drawbacks, and even the most flawless people crack under its pressure.

There are people who come into our lives for a reason, when everything else is shattered, burned, and bruised. Sometimes their purpose is clear, but often the smoke and the brokenness conceal the light.

THE DAMNED can be read as a standalone novel.

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Purchase Links:
❈ Amazon ➙ http://amzn.to/1HU5thU
❈ B&N ➙ http://bit.ly/1zcr27f
❈ iTunes ➙ http://bit.ly/1CAO0uv
❈ Kobo ➙ http://bit.ly/1rSqizZ
❈ Smashwords ➙ http://bit.ly/1tH13Ad
❈ Google Play ➙ http://bit.ly/1vfEJDr

I wanted to hole up and die. I wanted to grab hold of all the words, heavy and pulsating with the power to change people’s views of me, and push them back down my throat. All because the look in Cole’s eyes was not one of want anymore. The hunger had dimmed to something sympathetic, something soft and concerned, something that made me want to bury my face in my hands and cry.

Before and after.

Perfect and then not.

All right until it wasn’t.

“We’re the damned, Emory,” Cole whispered. I shifted my eyes to his, wondering what he meant. “We’re damned if we do talk about the things we’ve been through, the things we’ve done to ourselves, and damned if we don’t. There is no in between, no right or wrong. It just is.”

The lines that puckered between his eyes as he said this made him look slightly angry and had me wanting to reach out and smooth them away, but more than that, I wished I could smooth away the harsh truth of his words. He was right. We were the damned no matter how you twisted it.

Something unfurled within me, making the realization that he had just related himself to me—his scars to mine, even while one was on the outside and the other was in—lighten the horror I felt at having such sympathy for me reflected in his eyes.

“At least we can be damned together.” Reaching out, I gripped his hand as a smile stretched across my face. I prayed my words would be enough to cast away the dark cloud hanging above our heads, to make him forget about the truths I’d revealed, but they weren’t.

The sympathy, the pity, the level of brokenness he thought I harbored reflected clearly in his eyes still, but it had hardened. Was he disgusted with me? The weight of the moment crushed me.

I had let everyone down. I had failed. I had made everyone upset with me.

Even Cole.

Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.
SHATTERED SOUL was my debut novel and no, you haven’t seen the end of me yet…

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