30 January 2013
29 January 2013
28 January 2013
25 January 2013
24 January 2013
Going Gaga Over The Fault In Our Stars
Have you ever read a book and you can't seem to get over it?
It's when someone ask you - what's your favorite book?
and although you're a bookworm and have read thousands of nice books,
tons of which you consider favorites - this book will always be the first one
that comes into your mind when the question is asked.
23 January 2013
21 January 2013
18 January 2013
16 January 2013
Book Review: The Proposal
Review Grade: 3/5
“It's the love that goes through the hardest trials and survives that's worth having.”
When I saw the book - I said to myself: FINALLY!!! . The Proposal is the second book of The Proposition. It's something I have been waiting for, after being left hanging on a cliff from the previous novel. Thank God that I didn't have to wait that long.
The old characters are back - along with the new ones.
1) Her sudden emotional, always-crying Emma - it's the hormones
2) Her wanting to kiss another man in front of Aidan's house - it's the hormones
3) Her confusion on whom to chose between the two wonderful guys who are both at her disposal - oh, its those freaking hormones again
All I have to say is: Poor hormones - they're all to blame.
I did love Emma on the first book. She was strong, and she decided she won't take sh*t from anyone, especially from Aidan. So, the moment she saw him with another woman - she fled. Oh yes, Aidan cheated on her AFTER she knew that she was pregnant. He couldn't say the words she longed to hear and instead of being honest with her - he chose to go to bed with another woman. Who could blame Emma for being confuse of whether she wanted him back or not? Due to - again, the hormones , there are some things that Emma did in this novel that I didn't really like. When life gets complicated, an intelligent person would get as far away from another complication if he/she can help it, right? Entertaining the idea of another complication to add on this is most probably suicide.
ON THE OTHER HAND - what if the complication is the exact opposite of the former complication? Wouldn't you be tempted as well? Yay! BIG PROBLEM!
Yet, Emma is still the strong woman we met on the first book. She still holds a pretty sharp and witty tongue despite the emotional roller coaster she's experiencing.
AIDAN!!! Did you know I just hated you when the first book ended? How could you ruin something so beautiful because it got you scared? You should've talked about it with Emma! or even with you father! But I guess, like me, we didn't knew what REALLY happened to him and Amy. Nevertheless - I think it was a lame excuse for cheating.
BUT WHAT IF... he's remorseful, on his knees begging for forgiveness? He's doing everything for Emma, to prove to her that he's finally sorry and regretted every single things he did - IF YOU WERE EMMA - would you give him another chance?
Hmmmmm... tough decision?
Oh yes! Especially when there's PESH.
PESH! He's your dream guy. (The name is Indian because he's Indian but was born in the US)
* He's a doctor (meaning a stable job)
* He's a pilot too!
* He's thoughtful
* He's sweet
* He's not commitment phobe
* He's what EMMA needs at her situation.
* And He doesn't really exist in real life! or he belongs to the rarest of the rare male specie
How can someone from your past, the one who hurt and cheated on you compete with someone close to perfect?
Can Aidan be forgiven? Can they have their happy ending and finally start their family?
If The Proposition left me panting for more - The Proposal ended as it should be. Another novel, in my opinion, is not necessary because the author made sure everything about Aidan and Emma has been resolved.
Now for those people who wanted to read The Proposition but doesn't like cliffhangers - this is your chance! Emma & Aidan's love story was a bumpy ride and both of them deserve to be given a happy ending - whether it's with each other or with other people.
When I saw the book - I said to myself: FINALLY!!! . The Proposal is the second book of The Proposition. It's something I have been waiting for, after being left hanging on a cliff from the previous novel. Thank God that I didn't have to wait that long.
The old characters are back - along with the new ones.
1) Her sudden emotional, always-crying Emma - it's the hormones
2) Her wanting to kiss another man in front of Aidan's house - it's the hormones
3) Her confusion on whom to chose between the two wonderful guys who are both at her disposal - oh, its those freaking hormones again
All I have to say is: Poor hormones - they're all to blame.
I did love Emma on the first book. She was strong, and she decided she won't take sh*t from anyone, especially from Aidan. So, the moment she saw him with another woman - she fled. Oh yes, Aidan cheated on her AFTER she knew that she was pregnant. He couldn't say the words she longed to hear and instead of being honest with her - he chose to go to bed with another woman. Who could blame Emma for being confuse of whether she wanted him back or not? Due to - again, the hormones , there are some things that Emma did in this novel that I didn't really like. When life gets complicated, an intelligent person would get as far away from another complication if he/she can help it, right? Entertaining the idea of another complication to add on this is most probably suicide.
ON THE OTHER HAND - what if the complication is the exact opposite of the former complication? Wouldn't you be tempted as well? Yay! BIG PROBLEM!
Yet, Emma is still the strong woman we met on the first book. She still holds a pretty sharp and witty tongue despite the emotional roller coaster she's experiencing.
AIDAN!!! Did you know I just hated you when the first book ended? How could you ruin something so beautiful because it got you scared? You should've talked about it with Emma! or even with you father! But I guess, like me, we didn't knew what REALLY happened to him and Amy. Nevertheless - I think it was a lame excuse for cheating.
BUT WHAT IF... he's remorseful, on his knees begging for forgiveness? He's doing everything for Emma, to prove to her that he's finally sorry and regretted every single things he did - IF YOU WERE EMMA - would you give him another chance?
Hmmmmm... tough decision?
Oh yes! Especially when there's PESH.
PESH! He's your dream guy. (The name is Indian because he's Indian but was born in the US)
* He's a doctor (meaning a stable job)
* He's a pilot too!
* He's thoughtful
* He's sweet
* He's not commitment phobe
* He's what EMMA needs at her situation.
* And He doesn't really exist in real life! or he belongs to the rarest of the rare male specie
How can someone from your past, the one who hurt and cheated on you compete with someone close to perfect?
Can Aidan be forgiven? Can they have their happy ending and finally start their family?
If The Proposition left me panting for more - The Proposal ended as it should be. Another novel, in my opinion, is not necessary because the author made sure everything about Aidan and Emma has been resolved.
Now for those people who wanted to read The Proposition but doesn't like cliffhangers - this is your chance! Emma & Aidan's love story was a bumpy ride and both of them deserve to be given a happy ending - whether it's with each other or with other people.
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Twitter : @nursechucha
Tumblr: nursecha.tumblr.com
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15 January 2013
Book Review: HOAX
Review Grade: 4/5
My 2013 keeps on getting better and better.
What happens when a girl who spent her life inside an exclusive boarding school suddenly found herself in a public school where bullies reign and good guys are scarce commodity? What happens when one of these bullies, or at least a part of this group was someone you fell in love with over the summer?
Was all of it a HOAX ?
Corrine found herself out of the exclusive school she's been attending for as long as she can remember. They moved out from their house and transferred into a smaller one. She was given a brief explanation for it, and she didn't ask what was happening. She simply went with the flow. Her parents wanted her to house-sit for a family who was going on vacation. It was where she met,Abel. How can she possibly deal with this gorgeous hunk who is in charge with painting the house and mowing the lawn without any experience in dealing with the opposite sex?
Abel I was almost, almost in love with you! And then bam! I wasn't in love with you any longer, and then you did something that was completely amazing and I fell in love with you all over again!!! (roller coaster, right?) That's exactly how I felt knowing in Abel as the story goes. He was friends with people he consideredassholes and I always wonder why. He didn't do relationship and wish to keep what he has with Corrine between the two of them. He didn't want to ruin it, and he didn't want to lose her. But as the school starts, he's afraid that their summer romance wasn't strong enough to face reality.
Sean I like his character. He was kind to Corrine, and a friend to Abel despite the fact that his friends weren't kind to him. He's very responsible, not just to his family but as well as for the both of them. Despite the fact that he has a lot of tasks at home, and his family depended on him a lot, he still finds time to help the both of them when he's needed.
Abel and Corrine are just perfect for each other. Exactly what the other one needed. Both of them are alone, being ignore and put aside by both their parents, they found home in each other's arms. But secrets and revelations could tear what they built over the summer. Can they get past through it? Can Abel turn back on his friends and stop the cycle? Can Corrine, after a very long time of being independent, accept help?
HOAX, more than just a summer romance. It's a love story between two people who found exactly what they needed from each other. It's a story that withstood trials thrown by fate. It's more than just a story of bullying - it's a story when someone finally stood up and stop the cycle from happening all over again. It's about not being afraid of asking someone for help and being ready to accept it when needed.
My first Lila Felix book and she didn't disappoint. Thank you Jas for recommending this book to me. Indeed, it was good and I had a great time reading it.
What happens when a girl who spent her life inside an exclusive boarding school suddenly found herself in a public school where bullies reign and good guys are scarce commodity? What happens when one of these bullies, or at least a part of this group was someone you fell in love with over the summer?
Was all of it a HOAX ?
Corrine found herself out of the exclusive school she's been attending for as long as she can remember. They moved out from their house and transferred into a smaller one. She was given a brief explanation for it, and she didn't ask what was happening. She simply went with the flow. Her parents wanted her to house-sit for a family who was going on vacation. It was where she met,Abel. How can she possibly deal with this gorgeous hunk who is in charge with painting the house and mowing the lawn without any experience in dealing with the opposite sex?
Abel I was almost, almost in love with you! And then bam! I wasn't in love with you any longer, and then you did something that was completely amazing and I fell in love with you all over again!!! (roller coaster, right?) That's exactly how I felt knowing in Abel as the story goes. He was friends with people he consideredassholes and I always wonder why. He didn't do relationship and wish to keep what he has with Corrine between the two of them. He didn't want to ruin it, and he didn't want to lose her. But as the school starts, he's afraid that their summer romance wasn't strong enough to face reality.
Sean I like his character. He was kind to Corrine, and a friend to Abel despite the fact that his friends weren't kind to him. He's very responsible, not just to his family but as well as for the both of them. Despite the fact that he has a lot of tasks at home, and his family depended on him a lot, he still finds time to help the both of them when he's needed.
Abel and Corrine are just perfect for each other. Exactly what the other one needed. Both of them are alone, being ignore and put aside by both their parents, they found home in each other's arms. But secrets and revelations could tear what they built over the summer. Can they get past through it? Can Abel turn back on his friends and stop the cycle? Can Corrine, after a very long time of being independent, accept help?
HOAX, more than just a summer romance. It's a love story between two people who found exactly what they needed from each other. It's a story that withstood trials thrown by fate. It's more than just a story of bullying - it's a story when someone finally stood up and stop the cycle from happening all over again. It's about not being afraid of asking someone for help and being ready to accept it when needed.
My first Lila Felix book and she didn't disappoint. Thank you Jas for recommending this book to me. Indeed, it was good and I had a great time reading it.
Favorite Quotes:
- “You walked into my life and made it a hundred times better, honey.”
- “I’m here Corinne. I’m here waiting for you to realize that helping you, listening to you, sitting in silence with you, holding you while you cry, kissing you until you can’t think straight—I’m honored to be the one who does those things for you. I’m privileged to hear the words ‘I love you’ from your mouth and have them directed at me. But if you don’t need me, then you don’t need me. So this is me telling you that if you find that you do need me, want me, whatever, it’s your turn. Come find me. I love you. And not just today or tomorrow—I will love you always.”
Follow me :
Twitter : @nursechucha
Tumblr: nursecha.tumblr.com
or be my friend on GoodReads
Book Review,
Good Girls,
Lila Felix
04 January 2013
Book Review: Vain by Fisher Amelie
by Fisher Amelie
Review Grade: 5/5!
Vanity is one of the seven deadly sins
But it wasn't a mistake when I pick out Fisher Amelie's VAIN as my first read for 2012
First of all, dear readers - do not be confused with the book cover because the only paranormal thing in this novel are the bugs that are swarming in the bathrooms. But the rest - sweet, heartbreaking, touching and just simply fantastically-written novel.
Obviously my first one from Fisher Amelie's book list, yet I was so not disappointed. Because with VAIN I started my year right. Thank Goodness.
Sophie Price. To say that she's vain is an understatement. Let me borrow her own words:
I ruled because I was the hottest. You see, I’m one of the beautiful people. That truly sounds so odd to have to explain, but it’s the truth nonetheless. I’m beautiful, and it’s not because I have a healthy dose of self-esteem, though I have plenty of that. It’s obvious in the way I look in the mirror, yes, but even more obvious in the way everyone treats me. I rule this roost because I’m the most wanted by all the guys, and all the girls want to be my friend because of it.
Wow right? But to define Sophie Price, I would have to deal with other adjectives than beautiful and hot. Sophie Price is a rich, manipulative spoiled brat socialite. She's one of the mean girls. She doesn't care about her actions - or their consequences. She only cares about herself.
That probably says it all - and I would like to hate her (it would be rational to hate her) if not for the fact that I find her character sad. Her family is far from perfect, she had been judged by a lot of people (although she doesn't bother to correct it) and she's utterly lost.
That girl was the real me. Frightened. Worthless. A terrible friend. Terrible daughter. Well educated but so limited in ideas worth having. Beautiful yet repulsive... And finally honest.
But one mistake cost her everything she was used to and was sent off to Africa.
Vanity is one of the seven deadly sins
But it wasn't a mistake when I pick out Fisher Amelie's VAIN as my first read for 2012
First of all, dear readers - do not be confused with the book cover because the only paranormal thing in this novel are the bugs that are swarming in the bathrooms. But the rest - sweet, heartbreaking, touching and just simply fantastically-written novel.
Obviously my first one from Fisher Amelie's book list, yet I was so not disappointed. Because with VAIN I started my year right. Thank Goodness.
Sophie Price. To say that she's vain is an understatement. Let me borrow her own words:
I ruled because I was the hottest. You see, I’m one of the beautiful people. That truly sounds so odd to have to explain, but it’s the truth nonetheless. I’m beautiful, and it’s not because I have a healthy dose of self-esteem, though I have plenty of that. It’s obvious in the way I look in the mirror, yes, but even more obvious in the way everyone treats me. I rule this roost because I’m the most wanted by all the guys, and all the girls want to be my friend because of it.
Wow right? But to define Sophie Price, I would have to deal with other adjectives than beautiful and hot. Sophie Price is a rich, manipulative spoiled brat socialite. She's one of the mean girls. She doesn't care about her actions - or their consequences. She only cares about herself.
That probably says it all - and I would like to hate her (it would be rational to hate her) if not for the fact that I find her character sad. Her family is far from perfect, she had been judged by a lot of people (although she doesn't bother to correct it) and she's utterly lost.
That girl was the real me. Frightened. Worthless. A terrible friend. Terrible daughter. Well educated but so limited in ideas worth having. Beautiful yet repulsive... And finally honest.
But one mistake cost her everything she was used to and was sent off to Africa.

Her very own words thrown back at her: “Who goes to Africa anymore?”
Well, she went to Africa and it changed her. Totally.
First she met Dingane (Din-John-E) - he's one of the people who takes care of the orphanage and was working with Charles and Karina. The first time she met him:
“It was like my body knew instantly that he was mine and that I was his.”
But Dingane proved to be a hard (but worthy) catch. He wasn't like any other boy that would swoon instantly at her feet and would give in to her demands.(This is why I soooo like him) .This pushed Sophie to prove her worth - that she is more than just a spoiled rotten bitch who was thrown away in his place. However, nice, ever reliable Dingane also has secrets.
What I love about the story:
1. The character development - I was speechless with her change. It wasn't forced, it was gradual - you are totally with Sophie Price's journey all the way through
2. The supporting character that surrounds her - they were just perfect. They have their own stories to share like Pembrook (I adore him) as well as Charles and Karina (whose love for each other and the world around them is such an inspiration)
3. The setting. The place was interesting because it is way too different from any other place featured in most contemporary YAs. Africa, although it has some beautiful places, also has depressed ones. And more than half of the story happened in here.
4. Social awareness. If you are still in denial about what's happening around the world, especially in some countries in Africa - your eyes will be opened wide now. Fisher Amelie made sure she gave her readers a vivid glimpse of the current situation in some places and how badly these people needed help.
5. Ending. It was just perfect. Everybody got what they wish for. Except Spence maybe - perhaps he could get his own story?
VAIN is more than just a story of a friend-using, drug-abusing sex addict from Los Angeles. It's even more than just a story of love. It tells its readers to appreciate every single thing we have because others have little or don't even have them. It teaches that misery is important to real happiness. That being happy doesn't really constitute material things - just being alive, being you, surrounded with everyone who loves you, you can be sincerely happy.
Favorite Quotes:
- “Tell him he was my greatest adventure. Tell him I love him.”
- “No one can know sincere happiness, Sophie, without first having known sorrow. One can never appreciate the enormity and rareness of such a fiery bliss without seeing misery, however unfair that may be.”
- “You have no idea what you do to me. I've felt things for you these past few months that don't seem healthy. I've wanted you so desperately I'm afraid it may not be natural. You consume my thoughts, Sophie...You've arrested my senses and I can't seem to get enough of you. That's what scares me. I'm so deep there's no getting out for me. You own me, you know?”
- “The shortest distance between two points is the line from me to you.”
- “The truth is, I'm so deep in love with you, I can't see straight. The truth is, I've been afraid to admit it to myself, let alone you. The truth is, I'm terrified.”
- "You may have misery," she continued, ignoring my plea, "you may lose hope in the sorrow of an unplanned life but as long as you have faith and trust in adoration, in affection, in love, that sorrow will turn to happiness. And that is a constant, dear.”
- “Fear, Sadness. They're not weaknesses. They are overpowering, defining emotions. They make you human, Sophie.”
- “It’s the favorite part of my day.”
My eyes opened lazily. “What do you mean?” I whispered.
“When you undo them and run your hands throughout the waves. That’s my favorite part of the day.”
01 January 2013
Book Review: The Marriage Trap
Review: 5/5
This is my favorite book among the 3 currently published Marriage to a Billionaire series.
I love Michael, not just because he's hot, but also because of his sense of responsibility which he took seriously since his father died. He gave up his dream of becoming a racer, and focused on both his family and the family business. He wanted his family to be happy and have everything that they want, so when his sister called crying, telling him she could not get married according to their mother because he should be the one walking to the altar first - he device a plan to deceive his mother: he brought a woman home and introduced her as his fiance. Only that, the plan backfired on him, and he didn't realize his mother has her own plans too.
Maggie wants to be in control of everything. She once lost control and it ended up badly. She swore it won't happen again. So why did she agree with Michael's proposal after he rejected her once? Growing up with a dysfunctional family (except for her brother, Nick), she'd do anything to save what Nick has with Alexa. It includes sacrificing herself to be Michael's faux fiance. But then she didn't expect to be welcome in his family and to belong to them.
How will this charade end, when emotions (not just theirs) are already involve?
Once again Ms Probst gave us another amazing contemporary romance - just enough sweetness, coupled with steamy scenes and moderate family drama that will keep you glued to this book until the last page.
Jennifer Probst: You're name is on my list of favorite contemporary authors. Can't wait for more of your books!
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