04 February 2014

Wanting Reed by Antoinette Candela - Blog Tour, Book Review, Giveaway

“Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to."

How do you live with yourself when you are the reason you lost the one person that meant the most to you?

Timing is everything and for Reed, he can never seem to catch a break. When he returns to Boston to redeem himself, he discovers that Elle has already moved on, building a new life and a new beginning. He needs her to know that he meant every word he said before he left and that he never meant to leave her. Will he ever get that chance to tell her?

How do you love again when the one person who made you feel like you were his entire world left you with a broken heart? Hoping that life and new friends can keep her memories and feelings for Reed at bay, Elle chases life and all that it has to offer until she is confronted with heartbreak again.

Are time and space enough to get past losing your once in a lifetime, or will Elle always be Wanting Reed?


Love and second chances – my favorite plot ever!

Reed had made a mistake, but he had to do it to protect Elle. But can he just come
back after vanishing without a trace and redeem himself with Elle? She might have moved on, or she could be very well angry at him after what he had done.

All he wanted to have is the CHANCE to explain to her what happened, and why did he
had to leave. He needed to tell her he loves her, and his feelings were real no matter how short their relationship might be. Now, if only she’d give him the chance…

From one broken heart, to the next – Elle was indeed unlucky. But this time, it was
much too painful. She gave him a chance, he left her with a broken heart. She tried to move on, made new friends, and finds the distraction she needs to keep her mind off Reed. She tries to live her life, until she sees Reed was back in town again…

I wished she didn’t cross THAT line with Tyler. I felt she was abusing him. She needed
the friendship he had to offer, since he was always there for her. He had a BIG thing for her since then, now with Reed nowhere in sight, Tyler took this as a sign that finally he can have his chance. Maybe, if Reed was really an ass, I would have wanted Tyler for Elle. They would have been good for each other.

As for Reed – he is surrounded by girls who were trouble. I can’t help but shaking
my head as he tries to get Elle back with desperate measures, employing the aid of someone who really CAN’T be trusted.

It took a while, but when the CHANCE to EXPLAIN finally came through, and they
made up – ayeee! It was just wonderful – they fit each other like gloves: so perfect for each other. The sex was explosive, and the love was just stronger. And just when everything was going smoothly, another bump in the road came into view… will they make it this time?

I enjoyed the dual POV, I have always wanted to get into the thoughts of the main
characters. Elle MAY have made me frown at first – with all her tendency for “rebound”, but still, I like her when she finally gave Reed the chance he had been wanting to have. As for Reed – his persuasiveness, mixed with desperation may have been a little dangerous and nearly cost their relationship, but I admire his determination to winning our girl back. In addition – the secondary characters in this story are just pretty spectacular! They were great friends and support system to both our main characters. Help came surprisingly from someone I didn’t expect…

The road to forgiveness was a bumpy ride with a whole lot of whining, hurting, and
there were just too many people involved which made the whole thing a lot messier. Wanting Reed is about love and second chances – on how much faith you can put into a relationship, how much trust are you willing to give to a person who can hold so much power to destroy you. It’s about friendship – being there when friends needs you the most, and helping out when times get tough.

★ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.★


Antoinette Candela is a little shy with a larger than life personality. Suffering from Peter Pan syndrome, she refuses to grow up. She finds inspiration for her writings from everyday life, through her fun and quirky interactions with friends and family and the drama that never ceases to disappoint.One thing is for certain, Antoinette lives by her own rules. As a Bostonian she loves the Yankees and is proud to wear her I Love Derek Jeter T-shirt. You can catch Antoinette on the beach soaking in the rays, but when the rumble of the thunderstorm rolls in, shes curled up with a book or tapping away on her keyboard.
Mother, Writer, Reader, Lover of Music and all things learning, Antoinette is the charismatic author of Breaking Elle.

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Have you read book one in the series?

How is it that the one person who you have avoided is the same person who could give you true happiness?

When Elle Bennett meets Reed Austin she can't deny the attraction. She discovers that certain people come into your life who make you question everything that you've ever believed about love and life. Will she risk everything for something exciting and dangerous or will she choose what is familiar and secure?

Reed Austin isn't looking for love when he moves to Boston. The distance was supposed to help him escape the trouble he left behind. Once he meets, Elle, everything changes. Reed can't figure out why he's drawn to Elle, but one thing is certain - he needs her.

Passion. Betrayal. Solace. Confusion. Desperation.

Love and life are not simple and emotions and relationships are tested. Will attraction be enough or will their secrets and past keep them apart?

Amazon  | B&N

"I've never been good at games." I reply softy. I can't pull my eyes away from his achingly perfect face.

"I can start off slow." His voice is husky and enticing. Leaning in closer his eyes search mine, gauging my reaction. He reaches down and strokes my cheek, and the way my body responds to his touch is just... indescribable. “I’m jealous of your pillow and sheets; I want this cheek to rest on mine and I want to keep this body warm,” he whispers, his lips right above mine.

My heartbeat spikes and I close my eyes. I inhale, soaking all of him in: his scent, his image, his words. I try to fight the urge to touch him, to fight the fact that I want him to touch me. It’s so painful, my senses are screaming for him. Opening my eyes, I don't move, waiting, knowing from the look in his eyes that he wants the same thing. But he stops and retreats. He smiles flirtatiously and lifts one perfect eyebrow. I'm breathless and my head’s spinning with the thought of being so close to tasting him.

"Let's go and join the party," he says. Taking my hand, he turns to the entryway, but when he sees that I'm not moving, he looks over his shoulder. “What’s wrong?" He asks playfully. "You look disappointed. Were you expecting something?” He smiles crookedly, his eyes warm and intense.

“No. Nothing.” I blink, inhaling a deep breath, catching myself before I say or do something I'll regret.

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