07 January 2014

Torn by Eleanor Green - Book Blitz, Giveaway

When Katie Harrington becomes engaged to Branson Stone she believes her life is right on track for all her dreams to come true.

However, flashes of a life she never lived haunt her—leading her to discover a past that has been purposely erased from her memory in order to protect her from horrible truths.

The look on her fiancĂ©’s face as she retells everything she remembers will forever be etched in her mind. Instead of catching and comforting her, he lets her go.

Retreating to the family’s cottage on the Outer Banks for the summer, Katie’s heart begins to heal. She succumbs to the allure of a dangerously handsome local, Aidan Romero. But as soon as Katie begins to let go and move on with Aidan . . . Branson finds her.

Now Katie is torn between two lives—facing her painful past with Branson, or moving on with Aidan and keeping the secrets safely buried forever.

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“God, Katie, what are you trying to do, get me killed?” She pressed her hips into him, causing him to moan into her mouth and release her arms to gently fall down by her sides. “I can’t help myself. You’re so damn irresistible when you look at me like that.”

Eleanor Green resides in Tennessee with her husband and two children. She enjoys the things everyone else does—reading, writing, cooking—but is also an adventure seeker.Terrified of cats, passionate about hot tea, allergic to being cold. 

Still left on her bucket list: getting lost in Italy and being invited in for dinner by a sweet family, eating a scorpion, and swimming with the dolphins.
Eleanor also writes under the name Lisa Poston Murphy.
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(5) eBook Copies of Torn
(5) $5 Amazon Gift Cards

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